Parent Teacher Conferences

Benefits the Office, Staff & Parents


Set up conference parameters

  • Set days, times and the duration of the conferences.
  • Set meeting locations.
  • Provide parent signup instructions/considerations.
  • Group families for staggered signups (optional)


Define your schedule

  • Click to block unavailability.
  • Print each day's schedule the night before.


Sign up!

  • Click their preferred slot
  • Print their schedule.
  • Receive a 48 hour reminder email

PTC allows your school to setup conferences using the tool they're already using - Schoology or Powerschool.


  • All setup parameters (dates, times, duration) only need be defined once, alter next year if needed.
  • Set which teachers are participating and their conference location.
  • Because Schoology already knows who each student's teachers are, no additional staff setup required.
  • Schoology already knows who each student's parents are, and what their email address is.
  • Can optionally create Schoology subgroups to support a staggered signup (e.g. parents with 3+ children sign up Monday & Tuesday, parents

       with 2+ children sign up Wednesday & Thursday, all parents sign up Friday). 

  • Create additional SIS courses (e.g. Speech, Learning Resource teacher, etc.) and enroll students, so parents can also meet with that staff member. 


  • Teachers click to block their time, and can continue blocking once signup starts.
  • 24 hours before tomorrow’s conference day, PTC locks signups so the teacher can confidently print their schedule for the next day.


  • PTC knows who their student’s teachers are from their Schoology enrollments so only those teachers’ sign up blocks are displayed.
  • Click times that work; error-checking if same time slot selected for another teacher. 
  • Each parent can build their own schedule independently of each other, if preferred. 

All SchoolOfficeApps productivity tools provides admins an audit trail and user impersonation.

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